Thursday, March 19, 2009

Not the Greatest News, but It Certainly Could Be Worse

I think Michael and I got through the waiting period fairly well this time. No major blowups, nice pretty even keel interactions.

We looked at the last scan today. There is no horrible news like my lungs are full of tumors now, or things have quadrupled in size. There has been growth. Not a whole lot of it is new, but some things have increased in size in the 3-4 cm range. The drugs may have slowed things down a little but there was no growth stoppage. So, these drugs are not working for me.

Once I've cleansed my chemo 'palate' in about about 3 weeks I will start another Phase I study. My organ functions are all still good. I'm not starting to fail, so it is still valuable to try something else. If I did nothing, I got the 3-6 month speech (nobody really knows anyway). So, it will be on to protocol #3. I haven't read the study yet, but this will be a pill. So, no twice-weekly infusions and hopefully just bloodwork on a regular basis. Also, apparently it is tolerated pretty well. What's not to love?

I'm not ready to give up. I have a launch to go to in May, visits from family, and our anniversary to celebrate. Today the landscape people were here to do Spring cleanup. WOW! They removed 14 dead trees/bushes, and literally the flower beds are starting from scratch. I am going to take pictures of it as the seasons go on. With a proper cleanup in the spring, then it will probably look even more fantastic.

Tomorrow is a new day, new normal, and we move on. Today was for crying, wallowing, and napping to escape.

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