Thursday, May 29, 2008

No Chemo Today

Due to my cold, my lowered white count, and lowered platelets, I did not get chemo today. Getting chemo when you are already sick can push things to a bad place. I'm on an antibiotic to ensure that my cold doesn't develop into pneumonia.

Thankfully, I can still have my scan on Tuesday, see the Dr. on Thursday, and then have my next chemo treatment. Don't know if this counts as my week off or how the upcoming schedule will look.

So, assuming the cold/cough clears, I should have a nice weekend and first part of next week.

1 comment:

Erik said...

Well, it's too bad you have to skip the treatment, but yes, we don't want you going to a bad place. Keep the pneumonia at bay!

Let me know if you need anything.