Thursday, May 1, 2008

"No Chemo for YOU!"...

...said the chemo nazi. I went in this morning looking forward to my treatment as always. :-P I had another long bout with the big D from 2:30 this morning until 8:30. I told my PA and she was concerned. She said that my platelets were still good, but down from last week. She was concerned that my insides were becoming ragged and that I may have an infection, even tho my outsides still 'wook mahvelous'. She told me to stop taking my pill and said I wouldn't be getting treatment today. She asked for a sample for the lab. I won't go into gory details. We ate an early lunch at the hospital in hopes things would start moving again. Then drove my mom back to Longmont. Then just at the south end of Main St. we pulled into the local McDonalds and I got to do my lab work there. Then back to Boulder to drop it off. We've learned never to assume that I'll just be going in for a chemo treatment and then right home.

The golden nugget for today is that my CA19-9 is almost half what it was the last time, which is somewhere around normal, I think. I have an antibiotic to take and an appointment with the doctor on Monday. If things are better I will have my treatment then.

Not having to get chemo is keen, but I worry about going too long. I'm really curious to see my next scan.


Erik said...

Yay! on your count, but blah on your guts getting ripped up. Hope you're able to keep up with your hydration. I remember PJ drinking Pedialyte when he went through a similar bout of GI tract nastiness.

Here's to you stopping the tumors in their tracks!

Anonymous said...

Good news, Jane!

I'm giving you all the prayer support I can. Delighted to learn of the improved bood report!

You can count on continued good wishes and blessings coming your way. Let me know if I can do anything more for you and Michael!
with love,
P.S. I hope I'm adding comments correctly; some of my past ones have disappeared.