Tuesday, February 3, 2009

No, I Was Not in a Fight

After my drug-induced face plant on the carpet Friday night, my face just keeps getting more interesting. There is a bruise under the scab on my nose, and I've got bruising under my eyes so it looks like I was in a fight. It's not real dramatic, but I've never had any kind of a black eye before. We're trying to get a good picture of it. I'll post it if we can get one. I find it pretty amusing. I'm amazed I didn't break my nose or have a good nose bleed considering I'm on blood thinners. One of my knees is scabbed and sore as is the back of my left arm. Now you know why I don't drink or do illegal drugs. I'd be black and blue all over all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane - Watch the Ambien. I have a couple of friends that took it. It can cause sleep walking. They really hurt themselves.

I think of you often and say lots of prayers.

Love Ya! Kathy Felix